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Throughout his career, Alfred Sisley produced more than 900 paintings, over 100 pastels and countless drawings. Known as one of the founding fathers of Impressionism, and the only Impressionist to remain committed to the ideology of the movement, Sisley was recognized throughout his life for his use of color and light in his paintings.

Sisley exhibited numerous times throughout his career in Paris and London after accepting representation from gallerist Duret-Ruel. In addition, Sisley was a founding member of Societe Anonyme Cooperative d’artistes-peintures, sculpteurs et graveurs along with fellow Impressionists Monet, Pissaro, Sisley, Degas and Moriset where they held exhibitions in which Sisley received critical acclaim.

After extensively exhibiting in Paris, London and Belgium, Sisley’s work was introduced to America in 1889.

Due to Sisley’s extensive output and posthumous reproductions, it is critical to determine authenticity. Sisley Experts utilizes historical research, physical examination, forensic investigation and pigment and signature analysis to authenticate Sisley’s extensive catalogue. Sisley Experts can provide authentication, history and necessary information and documentation for both insurance and personal purposes.